Friday 13 July 2012

The teaching of Latin in the school curriculum

How modern is Latin? How do you say hamburger in Latin?
Does the learning of Latin enhance literacy in English?
Is Latin in the curriculum a class issue i.e. for public schools( i.e. independent British schools, the private sector)? The current mayor of London, Boris Johnson, a classicist, is very keen in supporting the teaching of Latin in schools and so is the Secretary of State for Education, Michael Grove.
Is the study of Latin a pre-requisite for any European membership? a foundation for the western culture? Must the citizens bow to Latin and not be bound by it?
Once upon a time the European illiterates have some knowledge of Latin through the oral tradition of religious ceremonies.They know much more about mea culpa, mea maxima culpa than the contemporary literates (linguistically and conceptually).
What about the educational values of learning Latin? Inner city schools of the English speaking countries (USA and Britain) have provided evidence of how the introduction of Latin has helped in creating a disciplined environment for learning which has contributed to raising the overall achievement of the pupils.

Do these questions set out the perimeters for the discussion?  What are your views?

More to come, watch this space. Ming Tsow